Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"Next step can only be supposed" (Digression Assassins)

BAND: Digression Assassins
ALBUM: "Next step can only be supposed"
Listen/Buy Album
* * * * * * (6 out of 10 stars)

Listening to Digression assassins can typically be summed up by the phrase "auditory anarchy." This EP is an early release by the Swedish boys from across the pond. Nice gents to work with, and even nicer licks to graze your ears with.

The album starts off as a complete explosion of sounds; shredding guitars, blasting drums, and screams from the front man that leave you
debating if you should let your blood curl, or stand up and fight with him. Half way through the opening track (Bully the weak) and throughout the second song (New stars) an actual sound is established. This is where the dysrhythmic rhythm of Digression Assassins truly picks up. The songs are very structured, but in a very non-traditional way. Notes from the guitarist seem to race in a frantic, directionless flurry across the fret board with every riff. The rhythm section maintains a sense of balance and order, and while listening to the track (Existence is so latent) you start to realize that they have truly had an order all along. The songs are quite short, as this is more of an introductory EP to acquaint yourself with the band, but you will definitely find yourself head banging. The last track (Next step can only be supposed) definitely ends the disc on a light note. Quick, simple, straight-forward, and to the point, you begin to hear what can be conceived as a slight jazz influence creep its way briefly into the madness. All in all, a great listen. But, the six star rating is due solely to the fact that I have already giving a listen to their full-length albums "Alpha" and "Omega" - if you dig this EP, take some time and listen to the two previously mentioned albums. Digression Assassins were just getting started.

If you like... Cephalic Carnage / Employer, Employee / a harder version of Dysrhythmia